While I talk highly about using Advanced TRS to detox heavy metals and environmental toxins from the body on a cellular level, there are also a few additional ways to contribute to the detoxification process.

Now, keep in mind that a cellular detox isn’t:

  • A Colon Cleanse
  • A Foot Bath
  • Taking Herbal Supplements
  • An Enema
  • A 10 Day Herbal Tea Cleanse
  • Visiting Saunas for Therapeutic Sweating
  • Meditation
  • Drinking Only Juices or Similar Beverages

These types of “Cleanses” can be helpful among countless others. However, a detox and a cleanse are two different things.

You should think of a cleanse as a way of cleaning your body. A cleanse normally focuses on the digestive tract. They are simply too far downstream to make the impact needed to remove toxins at the cellular level. We often see a need for detox and we do a “cleanse” in an attempt to feel better.

The things I’ll talk about below are what I personally use (in addition to Advanced TRS) to help aid in detoxing my body for its fullest potential.


Tongue Scraper

In traditional medicine, the tongue is not just an organ for taste and speech. It is considered to be the microcosm of the entire body.

In other words, the state of your tongue—the shape, color, coating or texture—indicates the state of your overall health. A uniform pink color indicates a healthy tongue.

Popular in Ayurveda, tongue scraping is the practice of gently grazing the tongue with the help of a u-shaped tool or a scraper to remove the debris and bad bacteria, and clear out the surface of the tongue.

Benefits of Tongue Scraping:

Contributes to a better sense of taste. Scraping removes dead cells and other unwanted substances and creates space for taste buds to function naturally. One can experience different tastes better and in a more distinguishable way.

Unearths the natural color of the tongue. It helps the natural color of the tongue to emerge by removing the discoloration and debris, returning the tongue to its soft pink and clean state.

Removes bad breath. At night while we sleep, bacteria gather in the mouth because the production of  saliva is reduced. Tongue scraping removes these bacteria, which are responsible for creating bad breath and tooth decay.

Boosts immunity. Gradual and consistent building up of toxins, or ama, weakens the immune system by putting it to work continuously against foreign bodies or bad bacteria. The tongue is the first line of defense in the body. Scraping aides the healthy functioning of this immune system.

Aids in digestion. Digestion of food starts in the mouth. Enzymes present in the saliva break food down for easier digestion by the gut. When the taste buds are blocked due to the accumulated mucus on the tongue, the messaging function of their receptors conveying to the brain to activate relevant enzymes required for digestion of the food is impaired.

Activates taste buds. Active taste buds are also important for healthy digestion because they prevent a host of ailments that contribute to poor digestion and lead to gut related illnesses including constipation. Tongue scraping ensures that the surface of the tongue is clean for taste buds to function better.

Activates organs. Since the tongue is connected to various organs of the body, scraping it gently activates related organs too.


Acupressure mat

Unlike acupuncture that uses selective and targeted points to treat pain and diseases, acupressure mats apply pressure on a large surface area. The mats have a general effect of releasing myofascial and muscular tension and increasing blood circulation.

On top of being beneficial in detoxing, you can use an acupressure mat to target specific body parts and issues.

They also has many general health benefits for regular usage such as:

  • Helping with stress and anxiety
  • Stimulating blood circulation
  • Energizing the body
  • Increasing endorphin production
  • Aiding in insomnia and help for restful sleep
  • Relieving aches and muscle tension
  • Improving body oxygen levels
  • Reducing appearance of cellulite


Cold press juicer

Did you know you could make fresh, cold pressed juice right at home?

It’s that easy, delicious, and has countless health benefits, such as:

  • Delivers vitamins, minerals and enzymes the body can use right away
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Can help reduce high blood pressure and high levels of bad cholesterol
  • Neutralizes your bodies pH (Disease loves to hang out in acidic conditions caused by the standard American diet)
  • Enables you to take in a high quantity of fruits and vegetables (and a wide variety, too)
  • Improves energy levels
  • Slows the signs of aging
  • Hydrates your body
  • Can help shed off extra pounds
  • Detoxifies the body

Alternatively, if you don’t have a juicer, you can use your blender to get similar benefits.

You can also try the Medical Medium’s detox smoothie recipe for an extra boost.


Intuitive (but clean) eating

Many people get a buildup of heavy metals in their system because of the foods they eat. Some studies suggest you can prevent overexposure to these toxins by avoiding certain foods. Eating other foods known for taking heavy metals out of the system may also help.

Some foods can help you detoxify by getting rid of heavy metals from your body.

These foods bind to the metals and remove them in the digestive process.

Eating foods high in vitamins and minerals can have protective effects for those exposed to heavy metals.

Heavy metal detox foods to eat include:

  • cilantro
  • garlic
  • wild blueberries
  • lemon water
  • spirulina
  • chlorella
  • barley grass juice powder
  • Atlantic dulse
  • curry
  • green tea
  • tomatoes
  • probiotics

Also, if you aren’t getting the recommended daily intake of vitamins, consider taking supplements.

Vitamin B, B-6, and C deficiencies are associated with poor tolerance of heavy metals and easier toxicity. Vitamin C has been reported to have chelating effects on iron. In one animal study, B-1 supplements were shown to decrease iron levels.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t monitor the purity or quality of supplements like they do for drugs. Also talk to your doctor before trying a supplement to make sure it won’t interact with any medications you’re currently taking.

Foods to avoid

An effective heavy metal detox includes more than incorporating healthy fruits and vegetables.

To minimize the effects of heavy metal poisoning or prevent it altogether, you need to eliminate some foods from your diet.

This is especially true for processed foods and excess fats. These foods have minimal nutritional value and slow down the detox process. This is because fats tend to soak up the harmful substances you want to remove.

Some foods to limit or avoid in your heavy metal detox diet include:

  • rice (brown rice, specifically) because it often contains arsenic
  • some fish, such as larger and long-living fish, as they tend to contain more mercury
  • alcohol
  • nonorganic foods


Red light therapy

Your skin is your largest organ and it has many functions, including protecting you from the elements, temperature regulation, and detoxification. Keeping it healthy and in good condition can go a long way, not only in improving your external appearance, but also in achieving and maintaining internal health.

Even though the western world is behind the times with red therapy light, strong evidence supports its health benefits.

It is FDA approved for chronic joint pain, slow to heal wounds, wrinkles, hair loss and acne. Many others have used it successfully for other issues, like psoriasis, improved circulation and better immune function.

Here’s a list of the evidence-based uses of red therapy light:

  • It helps rejuvenate facial skin and smooths skin tone.
  • Red light builds collagen in the skin to reduce wrinkles.
  • It helps to repair sun damage.
  • Red light activates the lymphatic system for potentially improved detoxification.
  • Decreases inflammation in the skin.
  • Helps fade scars and stretch marks.
  • Improves hair growth to reverse balding.
  • Stimulates slow healing wounds.
  • Can prevent recurring cold sores, or herpes simplex.
  • Helpful in the short term for carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Beneficial for skin to reduce eczema, rosacea, and acne.

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is a natural clay with a fine, soft texture. It forms a paste when mixed with water. Some people use this paste for medical or cosmetic benefits, such as treating rashes and acne or as a hair mask.

People have used bentonite clay to remove impurities on the skin, such as oils, and toxins from the body for thousands of years.

Scientists theorize that bentonite clay adsorbs materials by sticking to their molecules or ions. As the clay leaves the body, it takes the toxin or other molecules with it.

When a person uses it on the skin, bentonite clay may have the power to adsorb oils and bacteria.

When they consume the clay, it may adsorb toxins or other unwanted substances from the digestive tract.

Because its formed from volcanic ash, Bentonite clay contains natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, which may provide additional benefits.

Using it to remove toxins from the body:

Some people ingest bentonite clay with the aim of removing toxins from the body. This may be one of its most well studied benefits.

Various studies suggest that bentonite clay may reduce the effects of toxins.

For example, a study on chicks found that bentonite clay reduced the effects of a toxin called aflatoxin B1, which comes from certain types of mold. Chicks that received a concentrated bentonite clay product had fewer toxic effects than those who did not receive the clay.

Another study  looked at the effects of montmorillonite clay, which is very similar to bentonite clay, on reducing toxins in children in Ghana, West Africa. In the study area, aflatoxins in homemade nutritional supplements are linked with poor growth and related disabilities.

The researchers found that children who received a calcium montmorillonite clay product each day for 2 weeks had fewer signs of aflatoxins in their urine than those who did not receive it.

In a small-scale animal study, rats consumed wastewater that contained cyanide. Researchers gave some of the rats various amounts of bentonite clay or a placebo. Those that received the most clay had the lowest amount of the toxin in their bodies after 3 weeks.

Scientists need to conduct more research before they can confirm that bentonite clay is safe and effective for use in humans.

How to use

Mix up to 1 teaspoon (tsp) of bentonite clay with 6–8 ounces (oz) of purified water and drink once per day.

Take bentonite clay at least 2 hours before or after taking any medications. Because it can adsorb other molecules, bentonite clay may bind to some medications and reduce their effectiveness.

Dry Brush

Dry brushing your skin daily is an excellent way to increase circulation, eliminate cellulite, and open pores to help release toxins that have been building up. Using a natural bristle brush and long, even motions will give your body the refresher it needs, as well as relieve stress and calm your mind.

  • Boosts circulation: If you’ve noticed that your skin is red after dry brushing, it’s not just a result of irritation, and it actually isn’t a cause for concern. The redness, which is just a bit of inflammation, is the result of increased circulation in the areas you’ve been dry brushing. Your body is simply pushing more blood to those areas.
  • Aids with lymphatic drainage: Aside from leaving you with glowing skin, Dickman notes that dry brushing can encourage lymphatic drainage. All blood carries lymph fluid, which filters through the lymph nodes. Dry brushing speeds up the rate of blood pumping, which helps get the lymph through the body, therefore removing toxins and pathogens more quickly.
  • Exfoliates dead skin: As with all methods of exfoliating, dry brushing gets rid of the day’s dirt and oil as well as dead skin cells. The result is increased cell turnover and more radiant, smooth skin.
  • Plumps the skin: Many swear their cellulite is less noticeable after dry brushing, due to temporary plumping effect it has on the skin. Downie notes that it can even help with the appearance of sun damage.1

Good intake of water daily

While you may think you are drinking enough water, the reality is that you need to increase your intake.

Eight glasses a day is the minimum, so choose water every chance you get.

Water is one of the most natural ways to detoxify your body; it helps to regularly flush out your system, which in turn leads to clearer skin, healthier digestion, and properly functioning organs.