Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Health + Wellness Pregnancy

My favorite vitamins + supplements

Supplements can be used to get the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals you need for a healthy body. While it’s best to get your vitamins and minerals from eating a well-balanced diet, a supplement can give your body a boost. Vitamins play background roles in our bodies, and we need vitamins to break …

Kids Pregnancy

10 baby basics (that you’ll actually use)

If you’re a first time mom, you’re probably thinking about a baby shower. Which means, a registry. But, what do you put on that registry? As a first time mom (or maybe even a mom with multiple kids), how do you know what you’ll actually need and use? I remember with my first son all …

Homebirth Pregnancy

My Homebirth Story

Baby number 1 To understand my decision to homebirth my third baby, I’ll explain a little about my experiences with my first two births in a hospital setting. I was 17 when I had my first baby. I knew nothing about medical freedom, informed decisions, or how to use my voice in a way to …

Health + Wellness Homebirth Pregnancy

Herbal medicine use during pregnancy/breastfeeding

Herbal medicine use during pregnancy is common across regions and countries. The prevalence of herbal medicine use during pregnancy is varied across regions and countries. Multinational study conducted in different countries showed that 28.9% of pregnant women used herbal medicine during pregnancy. A literature review from the Middle East revealed that up to 82.2% of …

Alternative Medicine Health + Wellness Homebirth Pregnancy

Cannabis & Motherhood

It’s no secret that the drugs OB’s prescribe pregnant women can cause birth defects, but did you know that about 30% of babies whose mothers take antidepressants/SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) will experience neonatal adaptation syndrome, which can cause increased jitteriness, irritability and respiratory distress (difficulty breathing), among other symptoms. Doctors aren’t sure whether this …

Health + Wellness Homebirth Pregnancy

7 steps for preparing for a home birth

When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change. Congratulations! You’re most likely here because you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, wanting to plan or prepare for a home birth, or at the very least, become more educated on the option. There’s a few steps you should take to help prepare …