Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS
Alternative Medicine Health + Wellness Mental Health

Microdosing for mental health

Microdosing for mental health The following are the latest statistics available from the National Institute of Mental Health Disorders, part of the National Institutes of Health: Mental health disorders account for several of the top causes of disability in established market economies, such as the U.S., worldwide, and include: major depression (also called clinical depression), …

Alternative Medicine Mental Health

Mushrooms & Motherhood

Motherhood & Microdosing: Being a mother can be a tough job with immense responsibilities. It can reveal triggers you were never conscious of before, and can bring up a lot of emotions that may have been suppressed for years prior. In trying to balance it all, more and more women (particularly mothers) have taken up …

Health + Wellness Mental Health

Beginning your yoga journey

Are you wanting to start a yoga practice, but not sure where to start? Trust me, everyone’s been there. I remember how intimidating it was in the beginning, but it’s important to remember: yoga is for every BODY. Begin where you are, TODAY. It can be quite discouraging to see the “experienced yogis” on social …

Mental Health

The power of positive thoughts

Affirmations should be a part of everybody’s daily self care regime. The power of affirmations goes beyond the conscious mind, penetrating the subconscious and allowing you to truly believe in yourself and your capabilities. They can be used to increase the positive energy in and around you, and they can also aid in changing your …

Health + Wellness Mental Health

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Have you or are you someone that suffers from S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? It’s actually a real thing that’s caused by a reduction of light in the colder winter months. It affects over 500,000 people per year in the US and about 60-90% of those are females between the ages 18-55, meaning women are 4 …

Health + Wellness Mental Health

Importance of self care

“The most important factor of a happy life, in my personal opinion, is loving yourself completely and unapologetically.”   It took me a really long time to learn to love myself. For so many years, I picked myself apart daily. My skin, my stomach, my hair, my face. Everything. Growing up, I was the skinny, …