Supplements can be used to get the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals you need for a healthy body. While it’s best to get your vitamins and minerals from eating a well-balanced diet, a supplement can give your body a boost. Vitamins play background roles in our bodies, and we need vitamins to break …

10 baby basics (that you’ll actually use)
If you’re a first time mom, you’re probably thinking about a baby shower. Which means, a registry. But, what do you put on that registry? As a first time mom (or maybe even a mom with multiple kids), how do you know what you’ll actually need and use? I remember with my first son all …

My Homebirth Story
Baby number 1 To understand my decision to homebirth my third baby, I’ll explain a little about my experiences with my first two births in a hospital setting. I was 17 when I had my first baby. I knew nothing about medical freedom, informed decisions, or how to use my voice in a way to …

Herbal medicine use during pregnancy/breastfeeding
Herbal medicine use during pregnancy is common across regions and countries. The prevalence of herbal medicine use during pregnancy is varied across regions and countries. Multinational study conducted in different countries showed that 28.9% of pregnant women used herbal medicine during pregnancy. A literature review from the Middle East revealed that up to 82.2% of …

Homeschooling Resources
While most people who choose to homeschool normally opt to do so with a curriculum, there’s also a ton of homeschooling resources (some free) that are great additions to any homeschool/unschool routine. Outschool (you’ll rec Outschool is an innovative education platform that offers a variety of engaging, small-group classes online. Unlike traditional classes, Outschool classes …

Additional ways to detox your body
While I talk highly about using Advanced TRS to detox heavy metals and environmental toxins from the body on a cellular level, there are also a few additional ways to contribute to the detoxification process. Now, keep in mind that a cellular detox isn’t: A Colon Cleanse A Foot Bath Taking Herbal Supplements An Enema …

Things to buy child(ren) that aren’t necessarily toys
In today’s world, kids are so used to toys that make noises and need batteries, bright colors, and cheap plastic that likely breaks within a month of buying it. Since becoming a parent, I’ve come to learn exactly what my kids play with, what they won’t play with for long, and what ends up at …

Heavy metal detox symptoms (and how to help ease them)
If you’re using the Advanced TRS (toxin removal system) heavy metal detox, Advanced Fulvic Acid, or Advanced CBD, it’s more than likely that you’ll experience one or more of the common detox symptoms listed below. While not everyone experiences detox symptoms, you can expect to potentially experience one or more of the following symptoms in the …

Herxheimer Reaction
What is a Herxheimer Reaction? The Herxheimer Reaction is a short term (weeks to a month) detoxification reaction that indicates that parasites, unfit (candida), viruses, bacteria, and/or other pathogens are being effectively killed off. As a result of this, you may experience flu-like symptoms including a headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches’. sore throat, …

Emotional Detoxing
What is emotional detoxing? It’s the biochemical adjustments and emotional release that happens when contaminants are removed from the body. When toxins are stored in the body for long periods of time, they affect the biochemistry of the person, often resulting in entrenched emotional or mental states, like depression and anxiety. Releasing a toxic load …