If you’re a first time mom, you’re probably thinking about a baby shower. Which means, a registry. But, what do you put on that registry? As a first time mom (or maybe even a mom with multiple kids), how do you know what you’ll actually need and use?
I remember with my first son all the things I got at my baby shower, like literally a trucks worth of stuff, most of which wasn’t on my registry, nor did we ever use.
When I got pregnant with my second, I declared that we didn’t want a baby shower. Rather, my best friend threw us a diaper party, which was awesome because we got cases of diapers that lasted us months!
Which brings me to the first two (most obvious) most used baby items:
Diapers and wipes
You’ll want more diapers and wipes than any other baby products, TRUST ME.
Whether you’re considering cloth diapers or going with old school disposables, you will want an adequate amount to where it won’t be a worry at 2 AM when you go to change a poopy diaper only to realize you’re out of diapers (based on a true story haha!).
If you do have a registry, (which you can create here through Amazon, as well as most big name stores such as Target and Buy Buy Baby) make sure you make it clear that you want diapers and wipes as a top priority. It’ll really help, especially in those first months.
Baby carrier/sling
One of my most used items with my all of my babies is my Sakura Bloom Scout carrier. It’s high quality, timeless and comfortable enough to hike in (which I can attest to, because we hike a lot!)
Babies can be worn on either the front or back (up to 45lbs), so it’s extremely versatile and something that can be used for years, with multiple children even.
I actually found my Scout on Poshmark, so if it isn’t in your price range to purchase a new one, I’d suggest to look on there or on Facebook Marketplace, or you can find a buy/trade Sakura Bloom facebook group near you.
Baby monitor
(preferably one that doesn’t use wifi/connect to your phone, you’ll thank me later)
Something I definitely use everyday is my baby monitor. But, I’ve learned to opt for one that doesn’t have to connect to your phone, because most can glitch or be hacked even, which is pretty terrifying.
Go with an old school one that has its own included monitor, and doesn’t require to be connected through bluetooth.
Boppy pillow
My Boppy pillow was a LIFEESAVER postpartum and while breastfeeding.
After giving birth, it was amazing to sit on (IYKYK), and it was a great tool while nursing, to lay the baby on or to support your arm.
It can also be used for tummy time!
Definitely something I’ve used with every baby, is versatile with multiple uses and that I’ve only had to buy once.
10/10 reommend.
White noice machine
Now this one can seem a little underrated, but your baby was surrounded by white noise when they were in your belly, so if you can replicate that environment for them on the outside, it’ll make naps (and sleep in general) a bit easier.
Now if you don’t want to go full out and buy an actual white noise machine, I’ve found a fan can work just as well.
Or you can find a white noise playlist on youtube and put that on while you’re settling your little one down.
Somewhere safe to place the baby
This one is probably obvious, but I found it super important to have a safe space to put the baby down when I had to go to the bathroom or make food or just for anything, especially once they start rolling.
Personally, what worked best for us, was a play yard that we set up in the living room, with foam pieces underneath so baby is free to roll and crawl around, without being in the way of any possible danger.
This is especially good for baby to have tummy time and learn how to roll, while having the freedom to also safely explore
For newborns, I loved my Snuggle Me baby lounger, but I found my baby grew out of it way too fast. Though, it’s still a good option, especially if you have a baby in a bassinet.
Other items that could work for this are:
- A swing
- A bouncy chair
- A highchair
- A jumper (my personal favorite that I’ve bought twice! Portable, includes a sunshade, and easy to clean)
- Pack n’ Play
Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump
The Haakaa is a completely hands-free, silicone breast pump that uses the power of suction to gently (and silently) draw milk out.
It’s unique in that it doesn’t require any power source, tubing or spare parts — you simply press it to your breast and let it work its magic.
Because of this, you can use the Haakaa anytime, anywhere.
Another big benefit of the Haakaa is that it can function as a milk saver. In fact, this is largely how I used my Haakaa. When you breastfeed, both breasts letdown at the same time — you can’t exactly tell one to wait its turn. As a result, you may experience a lot of leakage while feeding, especially in the beginning while your supply regulates. Instead of using a breast pad or holding a towel to the leaky boob, a manual pump like the Haakaa can serve as a simple way to catch all that liquid gold so it doesn’t get lost into a pad.
DeCHOKER Anti-Choking Device
Whether you have babies or big kids, this is one device you should always have on hand as it could be a lifesaving device.
Not only does it remove fluid and foreign materials causing obstruction and difficulty in breathing, but it can be used for clearing airways regardless of illness, disorder, or other health-related conditions
The respiratory mask helps dislodge foreign objects; the tongue depressor prevents mouth cavity from collapsing; and backflow release valve stops debris from re-entering.
Also important to note that it can easily be operated by children.
It comes in three different sizes:
Toddler (designed for children between 12 months-3 years)
Child (for ages 3-12)
Adult (for ages 12 and up)
Baby nasal aspirator
Another underrated product, but something I find myself running to use time and time again.
I recommend opting for an automatic suction one, as opposed to the manual one you have to suck through, but hey whatever your preference is, go for it!
But, it’s definitely something worth having in your bathroom cabinet for those days where baby is stuffy or has a runny nose.
What’s something I might’ve missed, or something you think is a necessity? I’d love to hear!