Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Alternative Medicine Mental Health

Mushrooms & Motherhood

Motherhood & Microdosing: Being a mother can be a tough job with immense responsibilities. It can reveal triggers you were never conscious of before, and can bring up a lot of emotions that may have been suppressed for years prior. In trying to balance it all, more and more women (particularly mothers) have taken up …

Homebirth Pregnancy

My Homebirth Story

Baby number 1 To understand my decision to homebirth my third baby, I’ll explain a little about my experiences with my first two births in a hospital setting. I was 17 when I had my first baby. I knew nothing about medical freedom, informed decisions, or how to use my voice in a way to …

Health + Wellness Homebirth Pregnancy

7 steps for preparing for a home birth

When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change. Congratulations! You’re most likely here because you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, wanting to plan or prepare for a home birth, or at the very least, become more educated on the option. There’s a few steps you should take to help prepare …